Thursday, December 9, 2010

Excuse Me?!?

When you were 6 weeks old I took you to the store with me to return a sweater. I was carrying you in the baby born front carrier and we were walking around the store to find an exchange. You started to fuss and we made a bee line for the register. There was only us and one other  customer in the entire store. At the register, you really started to cry. I took you out of the carrier to see if that would calm you but It didnt. 
At this point, I looked at you and said, "Tyler, you're making me look like a bad mommy!" You immediately stopped crying and looked at me as if to say, "Are you serious?" and then resumed crying.
At this point some random lady (the only other customer in the store) asks if she could hold you. "Excuse me?!?" I had to ask her to repeat herself as I wasnt sure that I heard her correctly.
Dont worry I told her no, but was tempted to tell her that you hadn't had your rabies shot yet! 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Baby is Born

My dear Tyler, 

This is the story of you coming into this world. 

You were supposed to arrive on 29 October 2010. On Thursday, 7 October , I was diagnosed with Preeclampsia and they wanted to induce me that night! The doctors thought it would be best for both of us if you born sooner rather than later. Needless to say, I was shocked. I got the phone call at 330pm and was getting ready to go home from work. I wasn't ready. The news took me by surprise.Thankfully, they said I could do antepartum testing the next morning instead. 

On Friday, you still looked good. You did very well during the non-stress test but my blood pressure was getting higher. I had done a 24 hour urine collection on wed and was spilling protein. They still wanted to induce. Daddy and I took the weekend to discuss pros and cons. We agreed that if Tuesday my BP was still high, we would agree to be induced. Well, it was the highest yet! Our appt on Tuesday we did another Non Stress Test at 8am. And I had my first internal: 3cm and 70% effaced but you were still very high. So after the NST, we were sent upstairs to the Family Birthing Center.

By 9am, we were admitted and hooked up to monitors. Shortly after, they started the pitocin. Well, that went on all day long and I only ever got to 4cm. Around 10pm, they turned it off and let me sleep.They let your daddy run out to get me dinner, which I threw up!  The next morning (Wednesday), they restarted the pitocin. Around 8:30am, they opted to break my water even though I hadnt progressed. At about 7cm, after using the shower, the birthing ball and the squat bar, I decided that I wanted the Epidural before I couldnt have one anymore. NEVER AGAIN! I hated it! First of all, Wright Patterson AFB Medical Center, where you were born, is a teaching hospital. There was always a med student in my appointments. So, a resident anesthesiologist did my epidural supervised by an attending anesthesiologist. When the epidural was being inserted I had shooting pains in my right knee. They attempted to adjust but it didnt work out well. My right leg swelled and to my hand, it felt like the consistency of a water bed or jello. My leg was completely dead to me. I felt my left leg just fine. Just after the epidural, I was completely dialated. After about an hour, I had ridiculous shooting pains in my left butt cheek and into my back and down my leg. They tried to reposition me but it just made the pain worse. I was literally paralyzed from the pain. All I could do was lay there and cry. They wanted me to push to get you lower but I just couldn't. Don't tell your daddy, but he was so upset at the pain I was in! I could see tears in his eyes. He got a little pushy with the doctors but he was being my advocate. He couldn't stand to see me in pain! Finally, the attending anesthesiologist came back. He opted to take the epidural out because he didnt know what had happened and was afraid of nerve damage. At that point, they said I had one hour to have you and then the epidural would be worn off. 

Basically, by the time I had you, I had no pain medication left. The doctors gave me credit for a natural birth. It was completely miserable!

You were born at 7:48 pm on Wednesday, 13 October 2010, and weighed 6lbs 14oz at birth. We had to go back to the hospital for a weight check the day after we were released and you were down to 6lbs and 5.05 oz. We were told we had to start supplementing with formula. They didn't want you to lose anymore weight. If you did, they would readmit you to the hospital. At four days old, your weight was up 3/4 oz to 6 lbs 5.80 oz and we didn't have to continue the weight checks!

